1st Satellite Event
9th of November 2016
Prof. George Paxinos’ first novel presentation .
Scientia Professor of Psychology and Medical Sciences at the University of New South Wales

In the field of neuroscience, Prof. Paxinos is the author of the most cited publication internationally (The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates; Paxinos and Watson, 1986.).This is the third most cited book in science after Molecular Cloning and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Paxinos has published 46 research books, 145 refereed journal articles, 30 book chapters, and 17 CDROMs.[1] He has identified 90 nuclei (areas) in the rat and human brains. Comparing rats and humans, he has identified 61 homologous nuclei. He has identified 180 nuclei and homologies in birds. He was the first to produce a reliable stereotaxic space for the brain of rats, mice, and primates — a factor fueling the explosion in neuroscience research since the 1980s. He developed the first comprehensive nomenclature and ontology for the brain, covering humans, birds, and developing mammals.
In Corfu Greece he presented his first Greek novel called “Κατ’ Εικόνα” .
2nd Satellite Event
17th of November 2016

Lecture of Director of BiHeLab Prof. P.Vlamos at the Wilfrid Laurier University
Presented by Prof. Panagiotis Vlamos
The establishment of a new Research Center entitled ‘Research Center on Computational Biomarkers (RCCB)’ was announced today on Wilfrid Laurier University’s Waterloo campus by the Directors of the CARGO Lab and BiHELab. The center activities, will be focused on studying human biomarkers. Professors Ilias Kotsireas and Panagiotis Vlamos stated that the future aims of precision medicine will be based on personalized measurements of specific biomarkers. The Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University is tracing new biomarkers concerning neurodegenerative diseases and constructs frailty functions depending on them. The CARGO Lab of Wilfrid Laurier University develops and implements sophisticated data mining algorithmic techniques which can be applied to the analysis of clinical data, providing exact results for the evolution of the biomarkers, involved in specific biological mechanisms. As stated by Dr. Ioannis Haranas the transition from micro scale data provided by computations of biomarkers to macro scale results concerning frailty will be of great interest the next two decades. RCCB will engage in collaboration opportunities with health organizations, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies in Canada, in order to gather and evaluate clinical date at a large scale. The center will encompass tools from Applied Mathematics, Data Mining, Modeling, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Neuroinformatics, High‐performance computing and Computational Mathematics in Biology. The center will be hosted at Wilfrid Laurier University’s Waterloo campus. Professor Ilias Kotsireas: Director, CARGO Lab Professor Panagiotis Vlamos: Director, BiHELab
3rd Satellite Event
15th of February 2017
Workshop “Management of Healthcare IT Projects (Save the project)”.
Presented by Mr. Ktenas Spiros

Mr. Ktenas Spiros, Director of IT Projects to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Center, Rapporteur IT Project Management at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
4th Satellite Event
24th of February 2017

Workshop at the Fields Institute, Toronto“Computational Models of Neurodegeneration”
Speakers – Prof. Panagiotis Vlamos, Prof. Ilias Kotsireas, Dr. John Tarnanas, Dr. Michael Harney, Prof. Stanley Liang, Dr. Siv Sivaloganathan.
On February 24, 2017 in Toronto one of the most important institutions in the world, the Fields Institute, will host three Greek scientists implementing a massive research project with collaborations worldwide. Note that the Fields Institute is a center for mathematical research activity – a place where mathematicians from Canada and abroad, from academia, business community, industry and financial institutions can come together to conduct research and formulate problems of mutual interest. The Institute is named by professor of mathematics at the University of Toronto John Charles Fields, founder of the Fields Medal Award, given to scientists for outstanding achievement in mathematics, something equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. The workshop is entitled “Computational Models of Neurodegeneration” and will present cutting edge technologies in modeling, mathematical analysis and computational practice primarily in the area of neurodegenerative diseases, and will contribute to the promotion of new partnerships.
5th Satellite Event
October 10, 2017
Petros Spachos speech on “GryPhone Lab: An open-access smartphone testbed”
Department of Informatics, Ionian University is pleased to invite Prof. Spachos to give a speech about “GryPhone Lab: An open-access smartphone testbed”. The speech will take place on Tuesday October 10, 2017 at 15:00 at the Amphitheater of the History Building.
About Petros Spachos. He is an Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, where he leads the GryPHone Lab. Prior to joining University of Guelph, he was a post doctoral researcher with the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, working with Professor Alberto Leon-Garcia . He received his Ph.D. in 2014 and his M.A.Sc. in 2010 from the same department, under the supervision of Professor Dimitrios Hatzinakos. Previously, he received his Diploma degree in 2008 from the department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Technical University of Crete, Greece.
6th Satellite Event
October 30, 2017
Professor Takis Vlamos on Mathematical tracing of a protein misfolding
The classification of various autoimmune diseases according to the misfolding of specific proteins is following the existing proof of their connection. Yet, the misfolding is not being modeled according to geometry but according to the problems arised by the energy flows. The proteins can be unfolded with a par-allel production and measurement of approximately 80.000 energy steady states and could be compared with unfolded well operating proteins. The defi-nition of a much smaller length of a protein which may contain the misfolding is crucial for transforming research-oriented patterns to diagnostic tools. Creat-ing new isomorphic representations of the mathematical modeling of the ener-gy form of proteins can provide us with matching criteria for the tracing of pro-tein misfolding in much smaller scales.
7th Satellite Event
6 to 11 November 2017

Department of Informatics, Ionian University alongside with the Institute of Medical Physics will host the 5th Workshop on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. The Workshop will be held from 6 to 11 November 2017 at Ionian University.
The topics of the workshop include:Hybrid Imagining and Personalized Medicine
Radiation Protection in Medical Physics
Innovation in Medical Physics TechniquesThe Corfu Workshop will continue the series of Workshops previously held in other Eastern European Countries.
8th Satellite Event
December 6, 2017
Vasilis Ntziachristos public talk
On December 6th at 19:00, at Foundation Eugenides, Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos will give a public talk entitled “”Research-Innovate-Business”: Biomedical engineering and economic development in Greece of the crisis”. Vasilis Ntziachristos is a professor at the Medical as well as Electrical Engineering Department at the Τechnische Universität München (TUM). He has also recieved the Leibniz Prize.
After Prof. Ntziachristos talk, Prof. Vlamos, the director of BiHelab will talk about “Applied Bioinformatics Research and Medical Tourism , The case of BiHELab”.
This event is the 7th Satellite Event of GeNedis 2018 which will be held between 25-28 October 2018, at Toronto, Canada. Visit Site: genedis.eu
9th Satellite Event
February 23, 2017
Nobel laureate Aaron Ciechanover
Public talk titled “The Personalized Medicine Revolution: Are We Going to Cure All Diseases and at What Price?”
Aaron Ciechanover is a biochemist who, in 2004, shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with fellow Israeli Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose of the US ‘for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation’. He joins the faculty of medicine at the Technion University Israel where he continued his research with many students, fellows and physicians, and where he is currently a Distinguished Research Professor in the Center for Cancer and Vascular Biology in the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute